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Our Commitment to Sustainability

Supporting Your Efforts for Environmental Care

As a leading IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) company, we recognize the significant impact the technology industry has on our planet and society. With a dedicated ESG focus, we have integrated sustainability, ethical business practices, and responsible governance into the core of our operations.

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Reducing Our Footprint

Our mission is not only to provide exceptional ITAD services but also to promote a more sustainable and socially responsible approach to managing electronic assets.

In this era of heightened environmental awareness and social responsibility, we strive to lead the way in reducing electronic waste, promoting fair labor practices, and upholding high ethical standards in the IT industry.

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Environmental Accountability

We're dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing our impact on the planet. Through sustainable practices and responsible resource management, we're actively working to protect and preserve the environment.

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Social Accountability

We believe in the power of business to create positive social change. Our commitment to social responsibility goes beyond profit margins; it extends to our communities, employees, and stakeholders.

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Governance Excellence

Transparency, integrity, and accountability are at the core of our governance practices. We uphold the highest standards of corporate governance to maintain trust and confidence among our stakeholders.



We uphold the highest standards to maintain trust and confidence among our stakeholders. Our approach includes:

Transparent financial reporting

A well-defined code of ethics and conduct

An independent and diverse board of directors

Rigorous compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

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Strengthens our resilience and long-term viability.

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Fosters trust among investors, customers, and employees.

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Positions us as a responsible and forward-thinking organization.

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Drives innovation and efficiency in our operations.

Prioritizing Environmental Principles

By prioritizing ESG principles, we're not only doing what's right for the planet and society, but we're also creating sustainable value for our clients and partners.

Objectives and Targets

Environmental: Minimize waste streams through the effective utilization of Request for Proposals (RFP) processes

Health and Safety: Drive and sustain a 50% employee engagement rate utilizing a Synetic approved health app

Quality: Sustain a Net Promoter Score (NPS) exceeding 70% while concurrently enhancing customer engagement and participation

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Prioritizing Environmental Principles

By prioritizing ESG principles, we're not only doing what's right for the planet and society, but we're also creating sustainable value for our clients and partners.

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Strengthens our resilience and long-term viability.

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Fosters trust among investors, customers, and employees.

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Positions us as a responsible and forward-thinking organization.

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Drives innovation and efficiency in our operations.