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Support to keep your IT Staff Closer to the Classroom

Summer Refresh

As the academic year draws to a close, summer refresh is a critical period for K-12 educators and district IT staff. Managing the return of devices from students, ensuring secure disposal of retired equipment, and preparing for the deployment of new devices to incoming students requires strategic IT Asset Management (ITAM) and IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) support.

At Synetic, we understand the unique challenges faced during this transition, and our tailored solutions are designed to make the process seamless and efficient for your district’s IT staff.

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Complete K-12 Device Management

Return Logistics

Coordinating the return of devices from students can be a logistical puzzle and a significant undertaking for a district's limited resources. Managing the influx of equipment, tracking each device's condition, and ensuring a smooth transition from the end of one academic year to preparing new devices for the beginning of the next requires meticulous planning, making summer refresh an overwhelming time for district IT staff.

Retired Equipment Disposal

Summer refresh efforts must be done carefully to avoid risk. Data from returned devices must be carefully safeguarded to ensure sensitive student data is protected. Additionally, proper disposal methods for retired devices must be employed to adhere to environmental regulations. The sale of devices not yet at the end of their lifecycle can also be an opportunity to repurpose devices while maximizing return on investment, creating a revenue stream that districts can use to fund additional needs.

New Device Deployment

Preparing new devices for deployment for incoming students brings its own set of challenges. Unboxing, configuring, and tagging new assets demand time and resources. District IT staff must ensure that these processes are efficient to meet deployment deadlines without compromising on the quality of configuration.

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Alleviate Summer Refresh
Burden with Synetic

Synetic offers comprehensive support to district IT staff during summer refresh, providing ITAM and ITAD solutions tailored to your district’s unique challenges. Our expertise and streamlined processes alleviate the burden on internal resources, ensuring a smooth transition between device returns and new deployments.

Synetic can support your district’s goals by ensuring data security through meticulous handling, sanitization, or destruction, addressing environmental regulations in the disposal of outdated devices, and maximizing revenue by identifying devices for refurbishment and resale, providing your district with revenue to fund additional needs. 

Case Study

How Synetic Helped Blue Valley Schools Manage IT

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